Wednesday, 5 October 2011

Aspects of Bingo to Think About

You may not consider yourself a hardcore bingo player but if you find yourself playing more than a few hours of bingo a day or even per week then there are certain things to think about when playing. Comfort and taking breaks every hour are just a few things one should take in to consideration. Not only by doing so will your body appreciate it but you will also come to love bingo even more than usual.

How Comfy Are You?

Comfort is a huge factor when playing online bingo but it is usually over looked. The more hours of bingo you play the more you will feel aches and pains, especially in your back and wrists. Buying a comfy chair maybe a little on the expensive side but it is an investment worth investing in.

Are You Taking Breaks?

It is essential to take around a 5 – 15 break for every hour of bingo you play so you do not develop any headaches due to eye strain. Bingo players who play bingo for hours on end and do not win a single penny will soon become frustrated leading to stress and headaches. Having breaks will also help calm you down when you are not on a winning streak. Not only this but you will notice that your money will start to last much longer.

Setting Yourself a Budget is a Must

We have all been there, you put £10 on bingo and tell yourself it is going to last a few days to soon realise that it has all gone within the hour. We all think in the state of mind that one more game never hurt anything, but infact it does. It hurts your pocket!

Set yourself a daily or weekly budget and make sure you stick to it, never go a penny over or you will fall back into routine. Bingo is a great game when playing for entertainment purposes, turning the game into a gambling addiction can be very dangerous and it is worth coming to terms when enough is enough. If worse comes to worse and you have used your budget you can always play free bingo.

I Did Not Know I Could Chat

Most online bingo sites have built in chat rooms where all bingo players can talk to one another. Some players overlook these chatrooms and think why would I use them. You can be quite surprised how easy you can make friends when using them. You all have something in! Just start with that and you will soon realise that other people have the same luck as you and do not win constantly. Knowing simple things like this can give you hope or winning and keep your stress levels down.

Tuesday, 11 January 2011

Maths Bingo - Bingo is Not Always About Gambling

It is a fact that most children do not like Maths and you will usually hear the words from your child's mouth: "I do not like maths, maths is boring". If you find yourself to be a parent with a child who is similar there is still hope. Why not try Maths Bingo? Bingo is not always about playing online bingo but has an educational purpose too where no money is involved but instead some kind of sweets for the winner.

Maths Bingo will help your child learn the basics of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division and hopefully make it fun at the same time. Bingo is very diverse and it can be integrated into many subjects, not just maths and is a great way for teachers to get their pupils to concentrate, learn and have fun all at the same time.

Maths bingo is easy to set up and there can be different variations. Usually simple arithmetic problems are printed onto bingo cards that are given to your child. To play the game you simply call out the problems that need solving that are on the cards randomly. Get your child to find the problem/equation and solve it. When your child gets a line of 5 correct answers on his/her card get them to yell "BINGO" as they win.

The game is better if your child gets his or her friends, brothers or sisters to play so they can compete together. Maths bingo is great for a teacher to play with their students.

These cards can be either printed online or can be made by hand. You need to decide how hard to make the equations on the card. Obviously if your child is young you may want to stick to simple equations such as 4 + 2 =.

Next time your child/pupils do not want to learn why not suggest a game of Maths Bingo?